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Welcome Jasmine!

Lacuna Loft is excited to continue introducing some guest bloggers! These great folks represent a variety of perspectives on the myriad of topics covered here at Lacuna Loft. Before everyone starts really getting into the nitty-gritty of all they have to say, we wanted to introduce them a bit. Without further ado, here is Jasmine!


As a thriving 22 year old working in London, I was on top of the world. I had started my life adventure….but cancer had other plans. I ended up scarred, physically and emotionally, and although I beat the disease, I thought I was going to be scarred for life. However, I found a way to see my scar as empowering and beautiful.

In 2011 as a 23 year old cancer survivor, I started a project called Scar Stories. I organised professional photographers to capture beautiful images of cancer survivors and their scars and held exhibitions to raise funds for young adult cancer support. The project kicked off and it changed my life. Scar Stories Inc. is now a registered charity and sells a book of portraits and has lots of projects on the go.

As a cancer survivor four years in remission I am still confronted by unique issues on a daily basis. Writing about what it’s like as a young adult cancer survivor helps me deal with these issues and I hope that by sharing my writing, other young adults in similar situations don’t feel so alone.